Being able to download all files in one click
Rishi U.
We're working on zipped downloads for all "Request" files received by you, similar to how the Downloads work for your recipients.
Kevin Fortier
I am using Vivaldi (Chromium), but yes it's in My Requests. When I try to download, I get individual downloads, which won't work, so I have to click on each item to make sure I get all downloads. Clicking on the one and having them all zipped would be awesome. I do appreciate the response and work put into this. Overall, a very nice program.
Rishi U.
Hi Kevin; Great to have you here.
This should be implemented already in the Download portal for your recipients. ZIP Downloads works in modern browsers, the fallback for older browsers and some versions of Safari (16.x) is that multiple versions are downloaded as you experienced.
We do need to implement Zip downloads in 2 other areas namely
- In your dashboard transfers
- In your My Requests page
Sean Thurston
Rishi U. Great to see this. Any insight on when these other two will be implemented?
Rishi U.
Sean Thurston Hi Sean, Zip Downloads have been implemented in Downloads in all evergreen browsers (latest chrome, safari etc) For Request Files, not yet, we're working on it... let me know if your recipients have issues downloading multiple files in a zip.